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Hagit Rahamim, mother of Dvir Rahamim

Mother: Hagit Rahamim

Son: Dvir Rahamim, aged 23 at the time of his death

Family: The Rahamim family consists of five members: Father David, Mother Hagit, Dvir, the eldest, Noam (22), and Evyatar (19).

Moments of Terror: Dvir went to the Nova party with his friends from the army. On Saturday morning, during the alarm, Dvir called and said he and his friends were heading to the car to return home. About half an hour later, Dvir called and said they were evacuating the wounded. An hour after that, he called again and said they had encountered two trucks full of armed terrorists shooting everywhere. He cried out, "Mom, Mom," as I heard the sounds of battle and heavy gunfire in the background. At that moment, the call was disconnected, and I was terrified. I tried calling him back, but he didn't answer.

After 40 minutes, he texted our family group, "If I don't make it out alive, know that I love you endlessly, you are my heart." Dvir managed to say goodbye to his friends as well, writing that he was afraid to die. In his final message he wrote "Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad."

Dvir was missing for five days, during which we were in terrible anxiety and unbearable uncertainty. On Wednesday morning at 9:35, I received a call informing me that Dvir had been fully identified. I didn't want to accept the devastating news, and since that day, we have been living in a nightmare with endless longing. Our hearts are broken, and the pain is unbearable.

The Person Behind the Story: My Dvir, an angel in human form, always put others before himself, from the smallest to the largest. A smiling, happy, and lively person, sensitive to people and his surroundings. He always cared for others, showed interest, and offered his help with a huge, captivating smile. A hardworking person who achieved his goals by any means possible. Dvir was a source of pride, a role model for us as parents and for his younger brothers.

His smile was huge, captivating, and optimistic. Wherever he went, he spread light, hope, and faith. An athlete who loved soccer and running and enjoyed long walks. He was content, loved music, and loved dancing through life. As someone so sensitive to others, he was supposed to start studying psychology and dreamed of becoming a psychiatrist so he could help people spread light in the world. Dvir is an unbearable loss for us and the entire world. Where can you find people like him?

My Message: It is essentially Dvir's message; he used to say, "Be the light you want to see in others."

Our Last Embrace: It was on Friday evening. We were together until 1:00 a.m. before he left for the party. A strong hug and a kiss, just as we always did💔.

Hagit Rahamim, mother of Dvir Rahamim

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